torsdag 9 april 2009

The grand old dam - Osjan von Iransamin

Here she is in her favourite spot. Not just hers but her kids accept that when she comes. She has still her dignified manner as the grand old mother of the family. Padiya always tries to provoke but Osjan seems not to see her.
©Gerd Andersson

Pics from yesterday training in the sand-pit

©Marie Grape

onsdag 8 april 2009

Happy 9th birthday to the P-litter von Iransamin - Osjan's first litter

Congratulations to Peyam, left, owned and loved by Sven Tennert and the other siblings, Perschad Zyba, Piran, Piruz, Perviz, Perysa. We miss Pary and Pervin since they have gone over the rainbow.
Breeder of the famous P's is Cyrus Sattarzadeh, knl Iransamin
Photo: ©Sven Tennert

Jariya - Shadow's and Atreyu's mother

A very special little puppy took the plane to Lois Kincaid in California.

Soon she will be grandmother.
©Lois Kincaid

Anisa och kompisarna i vårsolen!

©Annette Svensson

onsdag 1 april 2009

Jariya's son Grassland SJ Atreyu!

This handsome guy is Jariya's son sired by Grassland TSH Sackett bred by Lois Kincaid and owned and loved by Laurie Lehman in California. He had a terrible accident last year when he was hit by a car. But as one can see, he has completely heeled from his bad injuries, thanks to Laurie and the surgeons. Photos: ©Karen Chen

Se vilken ståtlig kille! Jariyas son Grassland TSH Atreyu, uppfödare Lois Kincaid, ägare Laurie Lehman, Californien. Atreyu hade en fruktansvärd olycka när han blev påkörd av en bil förra året. Tack vare Laurie och skickliga ortopeder ser han ut som aldrig förr.